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Stripped Down Productions

Stripped Down Productions is a theatre production company committed to presenting a bold selection of plays to entertain, stimulate and challenge diverse audiences.  Our focus is on new works, plays unseen by UK audiences and rarely performed classics.


Stripped Down Productions (SDP) caused a huge stir in its inaugural season with the world premiere of The Curing Room by David Ian Lee.  The production was a highly acclaimed critical and box office success with runs at the 2014 Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Pleasance) and a subsequent run that autumn at Pleasance London.  Watch out for exciting news heralding a forthcoming revival of this decidedly daring and original show.


SDP is currently planning a compelling new season of plays – edgy, funny, challenging and socially-savvy works.  This season will include UK premieres of contemporary plays that have enjoyed success in North America but yet to be seen by UK audiences.

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